Right guys the season is upon us again and we duly have to have a meal / drink to celebrate.
The general consensus is that we are going to go back to the Cook & Indis's World buffet in Sauchiehall street because it was quite good the last couple of times we have been. It has a massive selection of food from different areas and the desserts are good too!
This is the site which has all the details you will need
http://www.cookandindisworldbuffet.com/Address and phone number
410 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JD
0141 333 9933
Could you please indicate if you wish to come so we can get numbers arranged and book a table. Last year there was 20 something of us and we took up quite a bit of space so we need to try and book earlier rather than later.
Its a good night and partners etc are welcome to come too..
Cutch x2
Goafer x2
Ali x2
Amber & Scott
Mel & Barry
John & Jennifer
Dalsy & Annette
Andy & Wendy