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ecos fix time

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:07 pm
by scottrs1
nearly one year on since i got my ecos its time to sorta few issues that it has and get it dip top for this year shows ,right from the start this car caused me grief i bidded on the good old ebay for it and lost out at the last moment only to find it for sale again as a trader had bought and was selling it back on for more £££££ than i had wanted to spend ,but u know how it is that was the car i wanted ,standard ,red ,BT ,lux everything i wanted ,

anyway long story short i bought it and loved the long drive back from dundee nobody could wipe the smile of my face .........well a bus did the weekend after the west reg day ....gutted ,but luckly only panel damage and the buses insurance paid out in cash so i could fix the car myself ,after 4 months of hassle getting stung for a bumper that all in all cost me 1k from duncun at automotive unlimited the car was back looking better than ever .

now its time to sort a few we things out

the day i bought it :D

the bus day




so withit all fixed now to sort out the probs
who can tell me the prob here



Re: ecos fix time

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:15 pm
by scottrs1
next up was the side skirts the passenger side was not sitting that well think it was a result of the bus thing ,anyway found that most of the clips where all broken so thats another job on the back burner until i can get new clips ,on the plus side there was no rust under the skirts just needed a goog clean up :D



next up are the wheel s waiting to get em blasted and of to the paint shop with them ,also need to sort the poor running out the car just seems to be not boosting right and as yet i have not found out why.